Friday, October 9, 2009

The Great Stampin' Up! Pumpkin!!

The other day I went to my friend Anne's house, she recently signed up to be a Stampin' Up! demonstrator (hooray for Anne!!) Here is a link to her SU! website. She was hosting her first Stampin' Up! event and I went to help in anyway I could. She had mentioned to me earlier in the week that as a 'thank-you' to me...she had a gift she was working on. Low and behold as I walked up her sidewalk...this baby was glowing before my eyes!!! Can you believe it?? I love it! (Thanks Anne!!) Her husband is a dentist and used his crafty dentist tools to carve the SU! logo onto one of those craft pumpkins, underneath he carved out a hole and placed a flameless candle. My photos just don't do this little baby's stunning in real life when the sun goes down. I told her that he needs to make another one and send it to Stampin' Up! Here is a picture in my bathroom..had to try to get a shot of what it looks like in the dark!! Pretty cool huh??

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