Start first by taping togther 4 large envelopes (these are retired SU! large envelopes that measure 4 3/4" x 6 1/2") overlapping the flap (the yucky part you lick??) BUT DON"T LICK IT...trust me use the tape!! Then as you see in the photo on the far right envelope fold back the flap and tape it to the backside. Sound good?? Still with me?? 
Now you need two pieces of DSP measured at 6 1/2" x 7 3/4". On top of that place a thin piece of chipboard or cardboard measured at 5" x 6 3/4" (TIP: save the white pieces that come with the DSP...those work great!) Cover with tape or mono adhesive. Flipped back over it will look like this: (Note I liked using complimentary colors, but be adventurous!) You can use anything!!

Then flip it over to cover where you folded and taped the DSP, here I used Chocolate Chip Textured CS measured at 6 10/16"x 4 14/16".
Now you can attach the envlopes which will fold up accordian style. See below: decorate and embellish adding the ribbon to close it shut, inside you can add the cards in each pocket! Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions! Stay tuned for tomorrow's post to see what I made to go with this card holder..I can't show you everything today..I promised myself and you all that I would be posting daily!! Have a great day!~Erin

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